E-mail: mkfotosluby@gmail.com / tel. 698 44 81 85
Michał Krawiec Wedding Photography
Registration for the wedding season (last minute -10%) 2021.
2022/2023 Open
Nie ma nic lepszego niż uchwycenie wyjątkowych chwil, które będziesz już zawsze wspominać. Jako zaangażowany Fotograf ślubny wiem o tym doskonale i zajmuję się tym profesjonalnie od 2014 roku. Zobacz moją stronę i dowiedz się, jak mogę pomóc uwiecznić dla potomnych Waszą wspólną radość w tym dniu.
Engagement session it is a great opportunity for you and your chosen one to get to know each other. I think it's quite important. The more you know me, the more comfortable you will be to express yourself as a couple in front of the lens. The end result of a better contact between you and me will be freer and more authentic photos.
Now such a session for FREE when signing the wedding contract.
Get to know your photographer
before your wedding
View selected
wedding reports
in 100 frames
Hello, here I am - Mr. Photographer himself in his
wedding outdoors
along with my beloved wife. I remember that day ... wonderful forts Przemysl, falling leaves, a warm autumn day and ...
Marriage is the beauty of being together ...
Hello, here I am - Mr. Photographer himself in his
wedding outdoors
along with my beloved wife. I remember that day ... wonderful forts Przemysl, falling leaves, a warm autumn day and ...
Marriage is the beauty of being together ...
contact me
and ask about the date
Photographer Michał Krawiec
Widna Góra ul. Chłopicka 9
tel. 698 44 81 85
Email: mkfotosluby@gmail.com